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Board Meetings
Eraaya Lifespaces Ltd.
Source DateBoard Meeting DateDetails
23-Sep-2024 27-Sep-2024 Inter alia, to consider and approve:- 1. Reconstitution of Board, KMPs, Core Team. 2. Nominate director(s), Office Bearers for Ebix Inc and its global Subsidiaries. 3. Grant of Sweat Equity, ESOPs, SARs. 4. Appointment of Internal Auditors. 5. Appointment of External Expert Group. 6. Constitution of Advisory Board.
02-Sep-2024 04-Sep-2024 Inter alia, to consider and approve: 1. to take note of successful acquisition of Ebix Inc. along with all its worldwide subsidiaries, and other matters incidental thereto, connected therewith; 2. to consider, evaluate, approve, in terms of the latest developments, the proposal of further funds raising by way of issuance of equity shares, or any other equity linked instruments or securities including convertible instruments, warrants etc. subject to applicable approvals; 3.deferment/rescheduling of 58th Annual General Meeting of the company.
03-Jul-2024 09-Jul-2024 Quarterly Results
27-Jun-2024 29-Jun-2024 Inter alia, to consider the following: 1) to take status of the Bid submitted by the Company to acquire 100% equity of Ebix Inc. (?Ebix?) through a Plan of Reorganization; 2) to augment the professional governance across the organisation and to steer the Eraaya business further - as per the long-term growth plans, proposed business alliances of the Company, re-jig the core Management Team, including proposals for Mr. Robin Raina and Mr. Vikas Garg be taken on Eraaya Board of Directors and re-aligning the KMPs, other Senior Management Personnel; 3) to propel the growth further, and in order to augment the long-term resources of the Company, issuance of securities upto USD 150 Million through Private Placement, Preferential Allotment, Qualified Institutional Placement, Right Issue, Further Public Offering, in one or more trenches, or in any combination thereof; With the permission of the Chair, the Board may consider and approve any such other items, which may be considered necessary.
04-Apr-2024 11-Apr-2024 Audited Results
05-Jan-2024 13-Jan-2024 Quarterly Results
18-Oct-2023 21-Oct-2023 Increase in Authorised Capital Inter alia, to consider and approve:- 1. adoption of new business activities, in line with company?s long-term growth strategy, which could be conveniently and advantageously be combined with the existing operations of the Company and consequent alteration in Object Clause (clause III) of Memorandum of Association of the Company. 2. funds raising, as per the approved business plan and its requirements, by way of issue of equity shares/convertible instruments/other securities through preferential allotment, right issue or any other method/procedure defined under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI Guidelines or combination thereof, in one or more tranches; 3. increase in the Authorised Share Capital of the Company and consequent alteration of Memorandum of Association of the Company 4. To seek members? approval wherever applicable by means of passing the requisite resolution(s) for the above-said board decisions and other matters connected therewith and/or incidental thereto; and 5. to consider and approve any other item(s)
05-Oct-2023 11-Oct-2023 Quarterly Results
17-Jul-2023 19-Jul-2023 Inter-alia, to consider the following business: 1. Alterations/amendments relating to existing MOA and AOA of the Company. 2. To augment the long term financial resources of the Company, matter related to fund raising program. 3. Deferment/rescheduling of 57th AGM of the Company. 4. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.
04-Jul-2023 10-Jul-2023 A.G.M. & Quarterly Results Inter alia, to consider and approve : 1. To consider and approve notice calling 57th Annual General Meeting of the company along with fixing the date, time, venue, mode of convening the AGM, Director?s Report, Secretarial Audit Report, Corporate Governance Report along with certificates/reports and other matters/items incidental thereto, and 2. To consider and approve the request letter received on July 4, 2023, from Mr. Shubhal Goel (person/shareholder/promoter) requesting his reclassification from ?Promoter/Promoter Group? to ?Public Category? subject to necessary approvals from the stock exchange and any other statutory approvals as per the provisions of Regulation 31A of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. 3. Any other item with the permission of the Chair.
11-Apr-2023 17-Apr-2023 Audited Results
05-Apr-2023 08-Apr-2023 Increase in Authorised Capital & Inter alia, to consider and approve :- 1) to consider and evaluate proposal for raising of funds by the Company 2) to increase the Authorized Share Capital of the Company 3) to seek members? requisite approval by convening an Extra-ordinary General Meeting
08-Feb-2023 14-Feb-2023 Quarterly Results
04-Nov-2022 14-Nov-2022 Quarterly Results
10-Aug-2022 13-Aug-2022 Quarterly Results (Revised)
03-Aug-2022 09-Aug-2022 Quarterly Results
26-May-2022 30-May-2022 Audited Results (Revised)
13-May-2022 26-May-2022 Audited Results
07-Feb-2022 14-Feb-2022 Quarterly Results
11-Nov-2021 13-Nov-2021 Quarterly Results (Revised)
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